Emily Slutsky

Emily Slutsky Portrait

Emily Slutsky

Emily Slutsky is a technology professional with a background in science and engineering. Emily’s long and successful educational journey has prepared her with the necessary skills to take on this new era of technology challenges.

In 2007, Emily Slutsky graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nuclear Engineering. She then completed her Master of Science degree in Applied Physics at Columbia University.

During her time at Columbia University, Emily gained some experience working as a clinical research associate at the Cardiovascular Research Foundation in New York. In 2009, Emily Slutsky took her studies abroad, earning her MD at the University College Cork School of Medicine.

After returning to the States in 2013, Emily completed her postgraduate training at Cornell Weill Medical College’s Center for Health Informatics and Policy in New York, NY.

Currently, Emily Slutsky is a researcher at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the Department of Clinical Research Informatics. Emily understands that the success of the new healthcare age depends upon the quality of interaction between doctors and their patients. She has developed databases to help store, manage, organize, and interpret quantitative information using her skills as an engineer and an innovator.

Using these technological capabilities, Emily Slutsky’s goal is to personalize and improve healthcare design, providing solutions to complex dilemmas and ultimately making the patient experience more human. The possibilities for interpreting and applying medical data are endless, making health informatics a largely exciting and influential profession in the rapidly changing healthcare industry.

HIMSS Annual Conference & Exhibition

This April, Emily Slutsky will be presenting at the 2015 HIMSS Annual Conference & Exhibition in Chicago, Illinois. She will be presenting her study entitled, Evaluation of the Accuracy and Consistency of Electronic Problem Lists in an EMR at a Clinical Research Facility, at the Physicians’ IT Symposium.  She developed this project along with David Herion, MD and Jon McKeeby, DSc.


Emily Slutsky has dedicated much of her life to academia. She works hard to expand her knowledge as well as the knowledge and understanding of others. Emily Slutsky has demonstrated great success tutoring individuals in a wide array of academic topics. She has years of experience developing unique tutoring strategies to match the needs of each of her students. By breaking down and dissecting difficult content, Emily helps her students achieve a stronger grasp of the material and gain a greater confidence in their academic abilities.


Throughout her years of attending medical school and conducting research, Emily Slutsky has also found time to explore the world while traveling to many beautiful and historical cities.


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